union|unions in English


[un·ion || 'juːnɪən]

act of uniting; unification or two or more parties (i.e. countries, states, companies, people, etc.); workers' association; federation; amalgamation; marriage; reproductive coupling; device which fits two pieces togethe

Use "union|unions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "union|unions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "union|unions", or refer to the context using the word "union|unions" in the English Dictionary.

1. Unlike traditional credit unions which serve individual consumers, corporate credit unions service the credit union system.

2. Union law varies from country to country, as does the function of unions.

3. There will undoubtedly be trouble with the unions if the union leader is dismissed.

4. The Credit Unions Act 1979 has eased the growth of the credit union movement.

5. UPS’ anti-union campaign against TÜMTİS continues, as global delivery unions support the TÜMTİS struggle.

6. Chartering Credit unions need a charter – which is a license to operate – from either the National Credit Union Administration or a state credit union regulator

7. In addition to the usual tasks and responsibilities of a trade union, a regional association of trade unions:

8. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire helped to solidify support for workers' unions like the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.

9. The unions, including her own Transport and General Workers' Union, are no longer looking like a pushover for her.

10. It was a dismal failure, and was followed by restrictive legislation against the unions and by victimization of many union activists.

11. She won both the Distinguished Service Award from the Jamaican Cooperative Credit Union League and the Golden Eagle Award from the Belize Credit Unions League for her service to the credit union movement.

12. In the same year, Congress passed the Federal Credit Union Act, which permitted credit unions to be organized anywhere in the United States.

13. America's working class has been paying union dues for decades, and with it, our unions have been building dignified, decent, and democratic workplaces for us.

14. Trade unions Trade unions, and most other unincorporated associations can not sue for libel.

15. But not all unions are the same, nor should the Consummation of all unions be desired.

16. The Canadian Auto Workers (Caw; formally the National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada) was one of Canada's largest and highest profile labour unions

17. Five of # trade unions are led by women (the sciences, public administration, culture, commerce and communications unions

18. 21 Side by side with such unions existed, and still exist,(www.Sentencedict.com) unions not sanctioned by law.

19. The report fully vindicated the unions.

20. Unions have all of those things.

21. Conclusion: iatrogenic factors are main causes of the delay unions and non-unions following IMN of the diaphysis fractures.

22. The Communists were interested in getting into key positions as union officers, statisticians, economists, etc., in order to utilize the apparatus of the unions to promote the cause of revolution.

23. Labor Unions Labor unions represent 11% (7% in the private sector) of the work force in the United States.

24. In 2014, the International Trade Union Confederation graded the U.S. a 4 out of 5+, its third-lowest score, on the subject of powers and rights granted to labor unions.

25. The statement continues: “We thank international associations of trade unions, foreign industry-specific trade unions, which support working Belarusians and …